Aloha from Townsville
Melokia Lomilomi Hawaiian massage and school is seeking Lōkahi Lomilomi intensive essential course student starting on July, 2024.
You will learn a Native Hawaiian Kumu Dane Kaohelani Silva's Lōkahi Lomilomi in Townsville.
Yumiko is a first Lōkahi Lomilomi Essential instructor in Australia and Massage Association of Australia' s CPE provider.
Date : Sat 6th of July to Fri 12th of July ( 9am-2pm : including lunch break )
Venue : Melokia Lomilomi salon ( in Elliot Springs )
Class size : ( Currently 2 spot remaining)
Special Offer : Course cost include complimentary 90min Lomilomi session.
More information :
Please feel free to ask any question!
I look forward to seeing you!
Book and Enquiry
Email :
Mobile : 0418 870 278
If you are looking for Lomilomi school in South Australia, please contact Wakako ( Waka Aloha : Hawaiian Lomilomi Massage | WakaAloha | アデレード) to enquire.
